ACL: Stronger Than Before

Cortney Welch coach at Momentum Fit Incorporated

By: Cortney Welch, BS, CSCS

You hear about them all the time. ACL tears.

After a series of unfortunate events, during my co-ed soccer game on July 16, 2023, my life took quite a rollercoaster ride of emotions and challenges. I used to not really believe in the saying that everything happens for a reason, but I can now say with confidence that I am a much stronger individual mentally and physically because of my injury. Up until my late twenties, I had never experienced a major injury or surgery, just a few bad ankle sprains and strains here and there. After my game, I casually made a doctor’s appointment and limped for two weeks thinking that I just tweaked my knee, it didn’t hurt that bad. But, I quickly realized that I had finally torn my ACL after 20+ years of playing soccer. I lasted this long and was thankful that it did not happen during a college athletic season, although it is never a convenient time to tear an ACL. I wanted to write this blog to celebrate my 1 year ACL reconstruction that happened on August 16, 2023! I opened up about my mental health journey back in May, and this injury was basically the beginning of my beautiful journey and discovery of my deeper self. 

As soon as I found out that my ACL was officially torn, the first step was to prehab my leg like crazy! Even though it was completely torn and I had several other injuries to my leg, I could do basic strengthening exercises and stretches. Before scheduling the ACL surgery and finding a surgeon, etc, I also had the stressful pleasure of changing medical insurance in order to make sure that I would have coverage. The next challenge I had was struggling to straighten my leg, which caused me to have to put my leg on a full knee extension board for about 10 minutes a day x2 a day for 2 weeks. 

cortney welch post ACL reconstruction

They would not perform surgery until my leg was almost at full extension; this delayed my entire process by about a week. The pain of trying to get it straight and putting my weight on it was a 9 on a scale of 10, so not a fun time. I discovered a deep, dark place within myself that I never wish to return to. The days and struggles before, during, and after my ACL surgery seemed never-ending. However, I had so much support from my colleagues, loved ones, and therapists that it really did make all the difference! Marquis Edwards at Momentum Fit helped me with his massage therapy techniques and manipulations. Dr. Mick Janusko, our physical therapist here at Momentum Fit, helped me tremendously with my ACL prehab and rehab. And last but not least, another huge thanks to the Jacksonville Orthopedic Institute for successfully performing my surgery and my beginning phases of physical therapy. The most mental thing after surgery was not being able to lift my own leg up on my own. It was excruciatingly frustrating, and I felt as though I would never be able to walk or lift it again. Very dramatic, I know, but that is how I felt for the first few weeks after surgery. Again, I do not wish this experience on my worst enemy.

About 2 months later, I was feeling much better! Everything was still very hard to do, but I had a new sense of confidence and hope in my knee. I started getting antsy around this time, which is normal, however it is very important to follow the protocols and not rush the healing process! As soon as I was able to bike again, I decided that I would sign myself up for a triathlon! I scheduled it for 11 months post-op in order to motivate myself towards a goal and challenge myself to accomplish this feat. The months leading up to the triathlon became shorter, and I became stronger! I could swim, bike, and run with ease, and pretty soon, I was no longer in pain from exercising. Every small accomplishment after surgery was so exciting and satisfying to see and feel my knee getting better. I am a very active person and hope to be for a very long time. I love a challenge and am no quitter! I successfully completed my first-ever sprint triathlon on July 28, 2024, in one hour and thirty-five minutes. The entire triathlon was a mental and physical battle, but I did it with no knee pain!

I am still unsure if I will go back to playing soccer again. I am hesitant due to the fact that it could possibly happen again, however, I also do not like to live my life in fear of the “what if’s.” I am currently focusing on continuing to regain full strength and balance between my knees and body overall. I wish to share my knowledge and journey to all of those who have similar injuries or know someone about to go through this process. It is my mission to also prepare the middle school soccer girls that I coach to take care of themselves and listen to their bodies, so that they can avoid having to experience this injury. Mick Janusko and myself will be hosting an ACL clinic and screening for free on Wednesday July 21, 2024 from 3:30-5:00 pm. The clinic will take place at Momentum Fit here in Ponte Vedra. Please share and spread the word to any athletes wanting to learn more about prevention and if they are at risk for any knee injuries. We will be conducting a short movement screen, followed by a presentation of facts and information, and ending with a question and answer session. We will also present the attendees with prevention exercises to add to their warm up routine should they need them! Our goal as trainers and physical therapists, is to prevent injury from occurring by strengthening the body in its entirety and to inform to the best of our ability. Hope to see you there.


Improving your Immune system

By: Cortney Welch BS, CSCS Did you know that your immune system, your body’s natural defense against illness, is largely influenced by your lifestyle? While


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